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Maybe you need to know what the film Titanic is all about. Maybe you need to know why The Godfather is considered one of the greatest movies of all time. Perhaps you are brushing up on your knowledge before an American Cinema documentary class. Or, maybe, like most people (and this author), you just want to understand the movie that your partner insists that they watched over and over again in college. This book will give you all of that information in a nutshell. With 14 editions under its belt, it has cemented itself as the go-to source for film knowledge for people who would rather watch than read or write about movies. If you want to understand what makes a movie good, this is the book for you. It will give you an in-depth look at film making and production techniques, along with information on the history of film and film styles. It will cover everything from Einstein's Theory of Relativity to The Criterion Collection. You will understand what really makes a good movie and why movies often become classics (and why some movies didn't even get released). And, because it's written by people who really love movies, you'll have a decent informed opinion on their favorites. This book is also full of ratings, which allows you to decide whether or not you feel like watching the movie your partner wants to watch. You can buy this book in paperback or eBook format. The next edition is expected in 2018. From the publisher: "This is no ordinary book. It is divided into two parts; the first an analytical text which covers all aspects of motion picture production; the second a collection of "Popular Film Classics" which includes rare, classic films that are no longer available on DVD. From silent films to modern-day blockbusters, this book will serve as an invaluable reference guide for film lovers. Introductory chapters cover the following topics: The book is divided into two parts, each covering different aspects of cinema. The first section is perhaps the most simply written and informative - it serves as a general overview of how movies are made and includes an in-depth look at film style and film theory. The second of these two sections goes into greater detail of more than fifty of the most popular, timeless films. It includes essays on the director, screenwriter, cinematographer, costume designer and other crew members who made these movies so wonderful. Each of these movies is rated from 1 to 10 in categories such as "Story," "Acting," and "Music." In 2013 edition was revised and expanded nine chapters from the 2011 edition. In 2015 edition was revised and expanded six chapters from the 2013 edition. In 2017 edition was revised and expanded five chapters from the 2015 edition." It could be said that there are certain film related events that have taken place in history that have completely revolutionized filmmaking as we know it today. cfa1e77820